

Did your dog or cat just eat something they shouldn’t? Did you find an empty, half eaten pill vial? Click the following link to contact the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center to see if you need to seek veterinary care-



Do you get your pets’ medications or preventatives from online or mail order pharmacies? Did you know that many of these pharmacies are neither regulated nor licensed? One factor in evaluating the quality of an Internet pharmacy is accreditation by a recognized organization such as the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP). The NABP has developed a program designed to ensure that Internet pharmacies that sell veterinary drugs are properly licensed and meet other program requirements. Further information is available at The following link to the FDA also has information that you may find helpful: Our veterinarians may require you to schedule an examination prior to providing written prescriptions. The following link explains why this is such an important step, and why we require it.



We all want our pets to get exercise and socialization- this makes for a healthier and happier dog. However, with the increasing popularity of doggy day care facilities and dog parks, there are certain diseases that your dog could be at risk of acquiring. The following link to the American Veterinary Medical Association outlines some common issues that may apply to you and your pet. Talk to one of our veterinarians about your pets’ risk, and what we can do to decrease it.



We are constantly hearing about new human and pet food recalls, and how they may affect the health of our pets. For up to date information, or to find out if your pets’ food is under recall, click on one of the following links:




Today, there are many different options for feeding our pets. From “all natural” to “organic,” processed to raw, by-products to “whole” ingredients to home-made- what do all of these terms really mean, and how do they affect our pets’ health? Many terms do not actually have a definition, and are more of a marketing strategy to sell pet food. To learn about some common misconceptions in pet food terms, click on the following link:

Are you concerned about what might actually be in the food you buy, and you’re willing to cook for your pet? It’s not as easy as it sounds. There is vitamin and mineral components that are required to “balance” a home–prepared meal to ensure that there will be no nutritional deficiencies. The UC- Davis veterinary school has a FAQ sheet to answer common questions, and a very useful tool to help you prepare the appropriate meal for your pet:



Traveling to a different country with your pet? There are many regulations that you need to follow to travel with your pet. The following link from the United States Department of Agriculture will provide you with information you need to consider when traveling with your pet.



We know that it can be a financial hardship to provide medical care and treatments for your pet, especially in urgent or emergency situations. Care Credit can offer you the financial cushion you may need to be able to care for your pet. Click on the following link to learn more: